Thank God for you! Peter, stop! Your greatest creation. Peter? : ―Green Goblin. [Harry slowly walks up the stairs and rounds a corner]. Norman Osborn : Follow the cold shiver running down your spine... [Norman wildly searches among his collection of masks for the source of the voice]. And when Dafoe gets to be the Goblin without the helmet on, it’s as if all the facial expressions his costume bottled up come pouring out. He also wears green armor that cybernetically connects him to his glider and weapons. [ominous]  I'm sorry. He sings “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” on his way to drop a tram car full of children into the East River; he frightens elderly Aunt May into the hospital when he blasts through her bedroom wall in the middle of her nightly Lord’s Prayer, screaming, “Finish it!”.

Norman Osborn : Norman's ghost (actually Harry's hallucination) appears to his son through a mirror, asking him to avenge his death. Bart Hamilton - The third Goblin. : : The Goblin responds by launching his glider. The 580-piece suit took half an hour to put on. : [lands in front of Spider-Man on a rooftop] 

Although Quest Aerospace's prototype was destroyed, the company decides to expand and, in doing so, assumes control of Oscorp on the condition that Norman Osborn step down as CEO. Raimi hated the idea. :

I just wanted to say how sorry I am that I haven't been much of a father to you. Green Goblin I would never hurt you. I chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. Don't play the innocent with ME - you've known all along!

: : Green Goblin

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