The characters within The Rover constantly try to distinguish whether they are feeling love or lust. Not only does Hellena actively disobey her bother’s orders in this scene, but she also effectively manages to convince her sister to join her in rebelling against restrictive patriarchal/fraternal commands. Florinda has set her sights on Belvile, and Hellena is determined to escape what she considers a loathsome life as a nun. Enter Florinda and Hellena. The Rover undoubtedly contains some powerful female characters in sisters Florinda and Hellena.

eNotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of The Rover so you can excel on your essay or test. The play does, however, create a strong connection between disguise and love…, Although not a particularly romantic topic, the issue of money runs throughout The Rover. Although dangerous and potentially dishonorable, there is something undeniably attractive about Willmore’s free, roaming spirit—a sort of libertine approach to life and love that captures the imagination of and ignites desire in his love interests. Suduiko, Aaron ed. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. La Nuche and Willmore avoid the hypocrisy of marriage, but there is little hope for their future. Behn’s satire is not directed toward women but rather toward hypocritical social conventions that reduce romance to competition and women to possessions. The reader is by extension invited to consider the perhaps unnecessarily constricting rules that society attaches to love via marriage. Summary and Analysis: Prologue and Act I, scenes i – ii, Summary and Analysis: Act II, scenes i – ii, Summary and Analysis: Act III, scenes i – iv Summary and Analysis, Summary and Analysis: Act IV, scenes i – iii Summary and Analysis. Not affiliated with Harvard College. More important, Behn avoids her contemporaries’ practice of reducing women either to virginal commodities or to corrupt whores. Even though he becomes increasingly involved in plans to orchestrate a forbidden relationship with Florinda, it is Florinda, not Belvile, who takes the initiative to alter their destiny; she both designs (and largely executes) the plan that leads them to marriage. ACT I.

The fact that Hellena and Willmore ultimately get married, however, complicates the relationship between love and marriage. Hellena is perhaps the most independent and outspoken of all female characters in "The Rover," but the theme of female agency can also be seen in other female characters. In fact, Hellena admits to being in love with what she refers to as the Englishman’s “unconstant humor” (Behn, 85). My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services. Must marriage necessarily follow love? Consider Belvile, for example, who spends his time at the beginning of the play passively lamenting his predicament. Throughout "The Rover," each character pursues his or her respective ideal of romance and partnership, and it is through these efforts that we may come to better understand the ways in which the union between a man and woman—either in the informal sense of love, or the formal bond of matrimony—was conceived of in the seventeenth century, when Aphra Behn penned her most successful play. Men bear swords and seek out violence; women are peaceful and are threatened by violence. Buy Study Guide. This demonstrated motivation to advance the plot means that the female characters take on a disproportionate degree of agency in The Rover relative to the male characters.

The Rover study guide contains a biography of Aphra Behn, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis of the play. We are the team W3Layouts Started a new journey WordPress Themes We make the Best Premium WordPress Themes! Butler, Sally. ... will help you with any book or any question. This theme is introduced in the first scene of Part I. One of the major themes of "The Rover" is the incredibly limited set of options available to women of the time since they were regarded as property of their fathers until they were married off or... Is The Rover a feminist play? Interestingly, however, his promiscuity and unfaithfulness does not entirely deter his female love interests. It was not uncommon for playwrights of the time to explore this arguably limiting custom; Behn was among several writers who sought with their work to present forced marriage as a dilemma that, particularly in comedy, could be overcome by outwitting lovers (Staves, 15). Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Willmore will continue to rove, and La Nuche may once again face the imperatives that drove her to prostitution. Related Themes from Other Texts Compare and contrast themes from other texts to this theme… In the end, Hellena wins the Rover, but the audience must question his commitment to their marriage, a suspicion borne out in Part II, when Willmore nonchalantly mentions Hellena’s death as he seeks new romance in Madrid. Teachers and parents! Her leadership and bold defiance, as well as her ability to manipulate others, are all put on display when she convinces Callis to allow both her and her sister Florinda to attend the carnival, despite being ordered by her brother to spend the evening locked up in her room. Hellena is looking for romance.... a way out of the nunnery..... an alternate to the future that stands before her. The rakish Willmore uses the ambiguity between love and lust to his advantage…, The Rover takes place at Carnival time, and brims with masks and disguises, from the gypsy costumes that Hellena, Florinda, and Valeria wear to Don Antonio’s and Don Pedro’s comedy of mistaken identities to Lucetta’s robbery of Blunt. Marriage represents stability and constancy—two things that apparently have very little influence in Willmore’s world.

-Graham S. “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs.

What an impertinent thing is a young Girl bred in a Nunnery! In Part II, Behn develops her feminist themes more strongly. In fact, the themes of…, In the largely immoral world of The Rover, wit and facility with language are the most highly prized virtues that a person can possess.

A chamber. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Struggling with distance learning? 1675). The Rover study guide contains a biography of Aphra Behn, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis of the play. Fascinatingly, however, the play does not take a moral stance on disguise, since it is used by moral and immoral characters alike.

(including. Flor. Similar to other Restoration gallants, Willmore is an attractive, witty, free-spirited protagonist, who falls in love capriciously and desires sex without marriage. Willmore remains a witty and tenacious hero. The Rover is a 2014 Australian dystopian Western drama film written and directed by David Michôd and based on a story by Michôd and Joel Edgerton. The Rover Themes. The men of "The Rover," on the contrary, take more of a back seat.

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