From the moment that Luca Guadagnino's big-screen adaptation of Andre Aciman's Call Me By Your Name premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and then the Berlinale, it wowed audiences, made a star out of Timothée Chalamet and had everyone talking about Armie Hammer's dancing skills.

The no-named lead (Lily James), is clumsy-yet-clever companion to the wealthy and vulgar Mrs van Hopper. The original isn’t sacred territory by any means! The comments below have not been moderated. A remake of the 1984 film "Splash", about a young boy who was saved from drowning by a mermaid.
The pair bond – and even have the odd snog – all against her governess’s wishes. Universal Pictures and Sentient Entertainment are teaming up to remake the beloved 2001 thriller The Others. Mit seinen 51 Jahren fühlt sich Superstar Tom Hanks zu alt für Liebeskomödien und lehnt deshalb entsprechende Rollenangebote ab. The Others was one of the biggest surprise hits at the box office in the summer of 2001, earning $96.5 million domestic and $209.9 million worldwide from just a $17 million budget.

There is no word if Alejandro Amenabar will be involved with the remake, though studio execs are currently meeting with writers to take on the project. Demnach orientiert sich das Remake wohl an einer ursprünglichen Film-Idee, in der die Geschichte aus der Sicht der Meerjungfrau erzählt wird und den Titel Wet trug. Nun soll auch die Liebeskomödie Splash eine Frischzellenkur erhalten, wie Produzent Brian Grazer verriet.

This flickery-candled period drama, directed by Emily Harris, is set in a stately home with Broadchurch’s Hannah Rae as daydreamer Lara. Für die kleinen Nutzer*innen greift der Streaming-Dienst jetzt – eher weniger überzeugend – in die Trickkiste. The truth is that a Splash remake could be good! "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Head of the house is Mrs Danvers (Kristin Scott Thomas) who Maxim introduces saying “Danvers runs the house. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. So it was with trepidation I watched the remake of this classic. Für jeden muss die Karriere irgendwann einmal beginnen. Producers: The remake will be produced by Sentient’s Renee Tab and Christopher Tuffin, alongside Aliwen Entertainment’s Lucas Akoskin.

Danvers is the original single white female – so driven by obsession for another woman, she is willing to do anything to keep that memory alive.

Truth about the claims scaring us all to death: Soaring infections, teeming hospital wards, and terrifying... Now they want a SERIES of circuit breakers: Government adviser says we should shut down the country around... Can I still meet friends in a pub garden?

Dieser war damals ein großer Erfolg und machte die beiden Hauptdarsteller zu Stars. And as her friendship with potentially evil Carmilla grows, so do her bad dreams of blood and lust. The newlyweds head to Maxim’s absolutely enormous, grand family home: Manderley. z. Auch bei Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah und Regisseur Ron Howard war das der Fall, für die die Romantik-Komödie Splash - Jungfrau am Haken von 1984 zu einem ihrer ersten Filme zählt. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. View our online Press Pack. Channing Tatum, Jillian Bell to Star in ‘Splash’ Remake for Disney By Justin Kroll.

Jobs | On a trip to Monte Carlo, she meets the distractingly handsome, recently widowed Maxim de Winter (Armie Hammer). So the news that the acclaimed director is serving up another Italy-set coming-of-age drama is firmly — and understandably — cause for excitement. WHO is Greta Thunberg? Applause? Singletons reveal the very strange questions they've been asked on a first date -... A VERY indulgent Christmas! Channing Tatum taucht im „Splash“-Remake ab Der „Magic Mike“-Star auf den nassen Spuren von Daryl Hannah – und auch Tom Hanks hat einen Nachfolger. Her letters are on the desk, her hair is in the brush and her lipstick is on the R-embossed handkerchief. Die Hauptdarsteller des Remakes von „Splash“ stehen fest.

Wales 'could be plunged into a circuit-breaker lockdown in the next few days' as 'unenforceable' travel ban... Last order orders! It's set in 2016, and follows two American teenagers living on a US military base with their parents. Zero Dark Thirty actor, Jessica Chastain, has signed up to play an artist who decides to kill herself in Losing Clementine. It’s a perfectly decent little movie with a fun high-concept premise! Dynasty star Catherine Oxenberg's daughter breaks her silence on the hell of being branded naked with hot... Bad food is biggest cause of heart attacks: Poor diet is number one lifestyle reason for avoidable... TOM UTLEY: If it's true dogs grow to resemble their owners, how I yearn for my Minnie to turn into Tom... Are YOU a pro snoozer or a grim sleeper? Wir freuen uns auf deine Meinung. Sarah Ward, Please update your location and try again, SBS revealed it would be screening it, too, 'Flowers Bombing Home' Is the New Teamlab Artwork That You Can View and Participate In At Home, Stephen King's Unsettling Plague Thriller 'The Stand' Is Returning to TV and It Has a Trailer, The Full Trailer for 'The Crown' Season Four Teases a Famed Wedding, Dark Dramas and Troubled Times, Twenty Aussie Venues Are Transforming Into International Holiday Destinations for Summer, Japan's Multi-Level Super Nintendo Theme Park (and Its 'Mario Kart' Ride) Will Now Open in Early 2021, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Has Been Named One of 2020's Ultimate Travel Experiences, Gelatissimo Is Serving Up Gelato Made with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Hershey's Kisses, What to Expect From the New Apple iPhone 12 in Seven Water Cooler Bullet Points, Gelato Messina Is Now Selling Chocolate-Covered Ice Cream Bars at Australian Supermarkets, Pixar's Next Film 'Soul' Is Skipping Cinemas and Going Straight to Disney+ This Christmas, Palace Home Cinema Is the New Digital Viewing Platform Focusing on World Movies, Four Pillars Is About to Drop Its 2020 Christmas Gin So You Can Get Drunk on Pud with Nan, Roxy Is Giving Away Free Holidays to Absolutely Any Beach in Australia, Nicolas Cage Fights Ninjas From Space in the Trailer for OTT New Action Movie 'Jiu Jitsu', Moonlight Cinema Is Coming Back for Summer 2020, Vivid Will Bring Its Luminous Installations and Live Performances Back to Sydney in August 2021, Visions, Speculations and Dystopias: A Deep Dive Into 'Spaceship Earth'. Tom Hanks has teamed up with his Captain Phillips director, Paul Greengrass, to make a story about the American Civil War called News Of The World. Ob er in der Neuauflage von „Splash“ auch so einen tollen Fischschwanz verpasst bekommt, wie damals Daryl Hannah, ist allerdings noch nicht bekannt. Published: 00:07 BST, 13 October 2020 | Updated: 00:33 BST, 13 October 2020. eine Provision vom Händler, We Are Who We Are started airing in the US back in September, which is when SBS revealed it would be screening it, too — via SBS Viceland and SBS On Demand. auf dieser Seite und diskutiere mit uns über aktuelle Kinostarts, These diktats will turn us into the pub Gestapo: Devastating rules mean landlords face ruin... and force... Wetherspoon suffers £105million loss and sales plunge by 30% after pub industry is battered by Covid... RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: London calling... Genghis is working for the clampdown. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site.

Also featured in this eight-episode tale of friendship, teen angst, first love and finding one's identity are Francesca Scorsese (daughter of iconic filmmaker Martin Scorsese), Ben Taylor, Corey Knight, Tom Mercier (Synonyms) and Sebastiano Pigazzi — with the cast blending well-known names and faces with plenty of newcomers. für mit, Channing Tatum taucht im „Splash“-Remake ab, Filmklassiker bei Disney+ zensiert: Nackter Hintern auf bizarre Art versteckt. On Netflix from October 21. Thankfully, it isn’t a remake of Hitchcock’s at all. By Brian Gallagher For

': Internet erupts with memes mocking Trump after Savannah Guthrie told him he is 'not... Donald Trump says 'people can decide for themselves' if Osama bin Laden's body double was killed and says... 'I think it's s**t': Love Actually child star Lulu Popplewell slams the hit movie as 'cheesy and sexist' 17... 'He's a gentleman... female co-stars adore him': Ex-colleagues of former Blue Peter host John Leslie -... Family of a civilian contractor accidentally strafed and killed by a student F-16 pilot who mistook his car... JAN MOIR: In the Duchess Olympics, Kate gets the gold. Nun hat Grazer verkündet, dass er an einem Remake des Klassikers arbeitet. In der Fantasy-Komödie „Splash - Jungfrau am Haken“ verguckte sich ein junger Tom Hanks 1984 in eine noch jüngere Daryl Hannah, ihres Zeichens Meerjungfrau. A remake of Ron Howard's 1984 comedy. B. : Not at Matt Hancock's perpetual one-man show: HENRY DEEDES watches the Health Sectretary tell... Now Matt Hancock says you SHOULD take vitamin D to boost your overall health amid mounting evidence it can... ‘The Others’ Remake In the Works At Universal Pictures – Deadline. Universal's SVP Production Sara Scott will oversee the project on behalf of the studio. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click here. Der „Magic Mike“-Star auf den nassen Spuren von Daryl Hannah – und auch Tom Hanks hat einen Nachfolger.

I now struggle with Maxim’s behaviour and his new wife’s reasoning with it. Sister Act 3 is in development, says Oscar-winning actor Whoopi Goldberg. von And so the ghost story begins.

From the moment it starts and those famous lines “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again” are spoken, my old excitement returned. That is until a dizzying ball at the house causes chaos and heartache for the new bride. It involves a young man who falls in love with a mysterious woman who is secretly a mermaid. Now, the Aussie broadcaster has announced just when the show will make its local debut, screening weekly on TV from 9.30pm on Tuesday, November 3 and dropping the entire season online at the same time. Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. In cinemas now.
FB facebook TW Tweet. Produzent Brian Grazer, der bereits beim Original am Drehbuch mitgearbeitet hatte, verriet dazu, dass bei der Neuverfilmung die Geschichte der getrennten Liebenden auch stärker aus Sicht des mystischen Meeresbewohners erzählt werden soll. Just as you think the relationship between Danvers and Mrs de Winter is irreparable, she seems to soften to her new lady of the house. Soon millions of children across the globe followed her lead and she found herself being treated like a rock star, who could meet the Pope. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Sehenswertes Video: Gemeinsam mit TV-Comedian James Corden spielte der Superstar seine gesamte Kinokarriere nach. After this, secrets and lies start to pour out and fill the house with even more tension. This intimate documentary reveals that Greta is also a little girl who has lots of cuddly toys in her room, wears leopard-print socks and won’t eat when her dad tells her to. Published: 19:07 EDT, 12 October 2020 | … Isn’t she? Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält ggf. REMEMBER that VHS your mum would let you watch when you were off school sick?

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