Captain Harris beobachtet dies und entschließt sich in der ausweglosen Situation, einen Luftschlag auf die eigene Position anzuordnen.

Rhah kills one of them and Taylor kills two, but Crawford is injured when he is shot in his lung.Though Lt. Wolfe is commanding officer, his inaccurate coordinates for artillery bombardments cause the death and injury of several of his own troops and Barnes takes command.

Junior, der sich selbst verwundet hat, um dem Einsatz zu entgehen, wird von Barnes durch Drohungen gefügig gemacht. Diese Gruppe verbringt ihre Freizeit mit einem Hippie-ähnlichen Lebensstil aus Drogen, Musik und Partys, um die Schrecken des Krieges zu vergessen. Half with Elias, half with Barnes." Some very large specialist platoons will actually have a Lieutenant as the second-in-command.

Barnes is about to murder the man's young daughter to force him to tell them where the enemy is, when Sergeant Elias arrives at the scene and starts a fistfight with Barnes.

In Bangladesh Army infantry regiments, platoons are commanded by a major or a captain, assisted by two to four lieutenants (or combination of lieutenants and Junior Commissioned Officers) and at least two sergeants..[citation needed] The platoon strength is typically thirty to fifty soldiers. Originally it was meant to be a small detachment of exactly 20 men to be led by a leader of corresponding rank.

Gegenüber Taylor, der Barnes gefolgt war, behauptet Barnes, Elias sei von Vietnamesen erschossen worden und tot. A platoon is a military unit typically composed of two to four sections or squads depending on the nationality, branch of service, and mission type.

Après une embus…

Barnes runs into Taylor and tells him that Elias is dead and that he'd seen his body nearby. Barnes orders Taylor back to the landing zone.

The platoon was originally a firing unit rather than an organisation. Elias tötet im Nahkampf mehrere Vietcong. In the New Zealand Army, an Infantry Platoon is commanded by a 2nd Lieutenant or a Lieutenant with a Platoon Sergeant, a Platoon Signaller and a medic (where relevant) comprising the Platoon Headquarters. Taylor und seinen Kameraden gelingt es, ein Einfallen der Vietnamesen auf der linken Flanke zu verhindern. Die Nordvietnamesen stürmen die letzten Verteidigungslinien und dringen in die Basis ein. Einige amerikanische Vietnamveteranen aber gingen so weit zu sagen, Platoon sei der erste Spielfilm, der zeige, was Vietnam wirklich war.

Die Handlung beginnt im September 1967 nahe der kambodschanischen Grenze.
As he is evacuated onto a helicopter, Taylor is reminded by Francis that because they have been wounded twice, they can go home (Francis is evacuated on another helicopter along with Rodriguez (Chris Castillejo). Each section can be sub-divided into two fire-teams, commanded by the Section Commander and 2iC respectively, as well as normal two man Scout, Rifle and Gun Teams.

Hearing a Vietnamese voice over a bullhorn and understanding that the NVA are ordering RPG's up to the line to blow up the foxhole they are in, Taylor grabs Francis and both of them crawl out of the foxhole seconds before it's hit by an RPG.

Der sehr erfolg- und einflussreiche Film versucht, Kritik an der amerikanischen Kriegspolitik mit einer Heroisierung der gefallenen Opfer (freilich nur der amerikanischen!)

There are three Platoons in a Rifle Company, which is commanded by a Major, and Three Rifle Companies within an Infantry Battalion, which is commanded by a Lieutenant-Colonel. He enters the room, daring them to kill him. Im Dorf finden die Soldaten versteckte Personen, ein Waffenarsenal und große Mengen an Reis.

However tank units operating in Eastern Europe began to standardize their platoons to just two tank squads, for a total of 3 tanks and 9 personnel. While King agrees, Doc believes they should wait for "military justice" to decide Barnes' fate.

Platoon ist ein Kriegsfilm des Regisseurs Oliver Stone aus dem Jahr 1986. One rifle is equipped with an attached M203 grenade launcher for the grenadier's role while another has a C79 optical sight for the designated marksman role. Taylor comes upon them and stops the group from raping the girls. World Trade Center | [7], Tank platoons prior to the late 1980s consisted of a platoon headquarters squad and tank squads, each consisting of one T-64, T-72 or T-80 tank for 12 personnel and 4 tanks total; platoons which used the older T-54, T-55 or T-62s added an additional crewmember for a total of 16.

A platoon is typically the smallest/lowest echelon military unit led by a commissioned officer—the platoon leader or platoon commander, usually a lieutenant (O-1/2). Verwundet wird er in einen Hubschrauber verladen und ins Lazarett geflogen, begleitet von einem inneren Monolog: „Wir haben nicht gegen den Feind gekämpft, wir haben gegen uns selbst gekämpft, der Feind war in uns …“. A platoon is a military unit typically composed of two or more squads/sections/patrols. These platoons are equipped with at least one heavy machine gun, rocket launcher or anti-tank gun, with the crews of these weapons commanded by a corporal.

The Platoon Headquarters includes the PL, PSG, along with the PL's Radio-Telephone Operator (RTO), Platoon Forward Observer (FO), the FO's RTO and the Platoon Medic.

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and a Logistics Company (Transport and Stores).

Battalions and brigades were not affected by that system. In many corps, platoon-sized units are called troops instead. Oktober 2020 um 18:28 Uhr bearbeitet. In der Folgezeit wird ein Großangriff der Vietnamesischen Volksarmee erwartet. Taylor hat überlebt und nimmt ein Typ-56-Sturmgewehr auf. U-Turn – Kein Weg zurück |

Platoon ist hingegen historisch und politisch richtig.“[9], „Trotz teilweise überladener Symbolik vollbrachte Oliver Stone mit seiner schonungslosen Collage das Kunststück, die unter den Soldaten allgegenwärtige Todesangst für den Zuschauer sichtbar zu machen. Bunny is a sadistic psychopath and xenophobic racist. Man sieht, wie der Wald die amerikanischen Soldaten aufsaugt; sie verschwinden einfach. Für Taylor ist der Krieg nun vorbei. Platoon | Just hours before nightfall, King is allowed to go home as his tour of duty has come to an end. Taylor and Francis then attack and kill several enemy soldiers that overrun their destroyed foxhole until Taylor loses it during the fight and charges off into the carnage, shooting one enemy soldier after another. O'Neil survives only by hiding himself under a dead body. After sending Taylor, Rhah, and Crawford back, Barnes finds Elias.

Soldaten unter 100 Tagen zählen zu den alten Hasen und dürfen in der Schützenreihe nach ganz hinten gehen. Another sergeant I cl is in charge of the platoon troop; seargeants of inferior rank act as assistant squad leaders in the other squads. Die Air Force bombardiert auf Harris’ Befehl das gesamte Areal mit Napalm. O'Neil tries to use Elias' R&R days for himself in order to escape the impending battle (in which he believes he will die). Die als Vietcong verdächtigten Personen werden abgeführt und der Rest der Dorfbewohner evakuiert. Bis heute ist Platoon mit Einspielergebnissen von mehr als 138 Millionen US-Dollar[3] der dritterfolgreichste Film, der sich mit dem Thema Vietnamkrieg auseinandersetzt [nach dem gänzlich anders gearteten Rambo II – Der Auftrag, der allein in den USA mehr als 190 Millionen US-Dollar einspielte, und Geboren am 4.

An jedem verdammten Sonntag | Barnes then appears, very drunk with a bottle of bourbon, having overheard Taylor calling for his murder. An officer was referred to as "platoon commander" while a WO III in the same position was called a "Platoon Sergeant Major" or PSM.[5].

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