Harlow, Ray (1994). By 1975 it had reduced to 5%. His Māori advisers said the diseases were very old. The marae symbolises group unity and generally consists of an open cleared area in front of a large carved meeting house, along with a dining hall and other facilities necessary to provide a comfortable stay for visiting groups. B. [93] Contemporary and recent Māori painters include Ralph Hotere (1931–2013),[94][95] Shane Cotton (born 1964),[96] Marilynn Webb (born 1937),[97][98] and Mary Wirepa (1904–1971). hinengaro mohio ki te tika me te he, a e tika ana kia meinga te The art was a sacred activity accompanied by many rites and rituals. His Department included many tangata rongonui who he recruited to come and work there in the team and in the National Maori Education Advisory Committee.
Ka maumahara  hoki matou  i a Rawiri Rangitauira  o matou rangatira nana in mate i tenei ra te 27th i tera atu tau 2014. The following is a brief introduction. B. So Māori can also be written Mäori, Mâori or Maaori. One significant change was the immediacy of reciprocation in trade. Māori culture (Māori: Māoritanga) is the customs, cultural practices, and beliefs of the indigenous Māori people of New Zealand. Northern Māori learnt that they could more easily hide cash from their relatives avoiding the traditional obligatory sharing of goods with their hapū. Dies könnte jedoch nur darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass mehr Māori-Einwanderer nach Australien abreisen. Alle Sequenzen nichtidentischer kurzer Vokale treten auf und sind phonemisch verschieden. In Teilen des hohen Nordens hat sich wh mit w zusammengeschlossen . Nie finden sich zwei Konsonanten in direkter Folge. Tell me more... Kia ora. It can be recited as an introduction (mihimihi). Influential Māori MPs Ngata and Pōmare insisted that Māori be taught modern ways and sponsored the Suppression of Tohungaism Act in parliament. Where parties had travelled a long way to give a present it was expected that the return gift be immediate but often due to seasonal food supplies it was accepted that a return gift would be given at some later date when supplies allowed. Three years later, New Zealand’s first officially bilingual school opened at Rūātoki in the Urewera. These variations had their origins in the fact that the ancestors of modern Māori came by canoe from different villages and islands in eastern Polynesia. "Die Maori-Sprache in der neuseeländischen Bildung". [46] Efforts to secure the survival of the Māori language stepped up a gear in 1985. Diese Art des Hörens hat zu Ortsnamen geführt, die in Māori falsch sind, wie Tolaga Bay auf der Nordinsel und Otago und Waihola auf der Südinsel. Taku ist mein, aku ist mein (Plural, für viele besessene Gegenstände). See Te Rito, 2008) and Te Reo Maori Society based at Victoria University of Wellington and together we formed “Te Huinga Rangatahi” from the original NZ Maori Students Association. Die vier Hauptnegatoren sind wie folgt: Kīhai und tē sind zwei Negatoren, die in bestimmten Dialekten oder älteren Texten vorkommen, aber nicht weit verbreitet sind. Editor’s note: this article marks Māori Language Week/Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. Das lexikalische Wort bildet die "Basis" der Phrase. Makronen ( tohutō ) sind heute das Standardmittel zum Anzeigen langer Vokale, nachdem sie zur bevorzugten Option der Māori-Sprachkommission geworden sind, die durch das Māori-Sprachgesetz von 1987 als Autorität für die Rechtschreibung und Rechtschreibung von Māori eingerichtet wurde. "Die Systematisierung der Tradition: Maori-Kultur als strategische Ressource". Es gibt zum Teil phonologische und phonetische Varianten, die meisten sind jedoch lexikalisch. CMS missionaries also outlawed the use of further moko, taking part in lewd dances and practising customary funeral rites. (welche?) Funded by the New Zealand Government, the station started broadcasting on 28 March 2004 from a base in Newmarket. Wie alle anderen polynesischen Sprachen verfügt Māori über eine Vielzahl von Partikeln, darunter verbale Partikel, Pronomen, Lokativpartikel, Artikel und Possessive. In 1988/9  for example the Courts ruled the Act only provided for persons in  NZ courts to use oral Maori but there was no provision for documents evidence or any other business to be conducted in the written form in the court system ( Huirangi Waikerpuru http://collections.soundarchives.co.nz/search.do?view=detail&page=1&id=152080&db=object). In Māori culture names of people and places are fluid. Up to the 1870s, and in some areas for several decades after that, it was not unusual for government officials, missionaries and other prominent Pākehā (European New Zealanders) to speak Māori. [89], Charcoal drawings can be found on limestone rock shelters in the centre of the South Island, with over 500 sites[90] stretching from Kaikoura to North Otago. A number of different newspapers such as Te Pipiwharauroa and Te Korimako were written in the Māori language to convey information to a widespread Māori audience, often of a political or ideological nature. "Maori und Pakeha Englisch: Einige neuseeländische Daten zum sozialen Dialekt". [185] Māori had begun to include European concepts into their own cultural behaviour. But Māori children still got whacked for speaking their mother tongue in Māori schools – even adding the word “Māori” itself doesn’t change anything. This group contained many members of TRM and Upoko o te Ika Radio with Anaru Robb as TRMs key member . Although marae have modern cooking facilities, the traditional hāngi is still used to provide meals for large groups because the food it produces is considered flavourful. By the 1980s fewer than 20% of Māori knew enough te reo to be regarded as native speakers. Nā maua ko toku hoamahi Cellia Joe te tuhinga. Zurück Ortsnamen Listen wurden von Computersystemen abgeleitet ( in der Regel Mapping und Geographische Informationssysteme ) , die nicht macrons umgehen konnte. [64] While a gift conveyed an obligation to return the favour, so did an insult. The Māori language (Māori: Te Reo Māori, shortened to Te Reo) is the language of the Māori and an official language of New Zealand. But most of the children that are labeled as vulnerable are from whānau who are wrestling with various complications of poverty and trauma, sometimes over generations, be that addiction, stress, or just trying to put food on the table and pay the bills. Tubercular ulcers were called pokapoka. To 2013 the total paid by government exceeds $4 billion. It is appreciated if foreign guests can say a few words in Māori and sing a song they are familiar with as a group. This was rare before 1834 but became increasingly common as more Māori worked as sailors on European ships, where they gained a good reputation as being strong capable workers. Druck 1953). (My point) With all the good they did during WW11, The language very nearly died. (According to some, the supreme personification of the Māori was Io; however this idea is controversial.)[150]. Throughout Anglo colonial states there is a constant habit of defining people who aren’t white as a problem, writes Aaron Smale in this personal essay.
The Māori language was suppressed in schools, either formally or informally, to ensure that Māori youngsters assimilated with the wider community. Me email  koe ki  matou kia whaktikatika aku korerorero. They then entered into leases with Māori owners for much larger areas of land. Enforced contact between large numbers of Māori and Pākehā caused much strain and stress, and te reo was one of the things to suffer. As Māori became familiar with European building construction and design they incorporated features such as chimneys and fireplaces and made use of bigger doorways and windows as well as sawn timber but even by the turn of the 19th century toilet facilities were often primitive, despite the urgings of the Māori MPs Pomare and Ngata who worked hard to improve the standard of Māori dwellings over their many years in office. In 1980 a Te Reo Maori Society branch was established by Tom & Robyn Roa and John McCaffery in Otara, TRM ki Otara where they had moved after returning to VUW in 1979 for a post graduate  course and  together while Tom and Robyn Roa  supported 1)  the establishment of a Kohanga Reo at Kokiri Te Rahuitanga where Tom moved from Hillary College to teach   2) John established the first urban bilingual school at Clydemore  where TRM Otara was based which fed into Hillary College where Tom and Robyn originally had been teaching with Garfield Johnstone . Dem neutralen muss ein Substantiv folgen und nur für einzelne erste, zweite und dritte Personen vorkommen. Te Rangaihi Reo Māori | Māori Language Movement.

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