* From “The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity,” edited by James C. Kaufman and Robert J. Sternberg, 2010, Cambridge University Press, pages 27-28.

Guilford, a psychologist who questioned the common thinking that IQ tests measure only one type of intelligence, was the first to differentiate between convergent and divergent thinking. However, these are the ideas that have the potential for the most growth. He states that an individual isn’t big-C creative unless they’ve come up with something that hasn’t been done before – unprecedented originality or novelty. New York: Scribner. Some psychologists, such as cognitive psychologist Robert J. Sternberg, develop theories that encompass both types, little-c and big-C. Some would argue that its usefulness was to ignite a reading firestorm within a culture that educators and the media claimed didn’t read anymore. Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, Anger, Madness, and the Daimonic: The Psychological Genesis of Violence, Evil, and Creativity, Anger, Madness and the Daimonic: The Paradoxical Power of Rage in Violence, Evil and Creativity, Developing Creativity and Business Success Using Our Intuition, More sites & Facebook pages of Douglas Eby, Your Childhood And Being A Creative Person, How to build your confidence as an artist, Healing Trauma Resources – How To Understand And Recover. Standardized tests and intelligence tests measure convergent thinking. These components might include: cognitive style (process); personality traits (personality); the right environment (place); and the ability to persuade others to consider or accept the idea (persuasion). Creativity occurs within a complex system of interacting and interrelated factors. The creative process proceeds through a series of stages or components. 2, pp. In the Monitor article “What exactly is creativity?”. Convergent thought is analytical, logical and controlled. These categories include economic theories, stage and componential process theories, and systems theories, among others. Reading through some of the testimonials by individuals who read her books as children, it’s clear that she changed and affected many lives. Lines of children, teens, and parents, many dressed as their favorite Harry Potter characters, queued up for hours, sometimes overnight, in front of bookstores to get their copies. For more information on degrees that lead to research positions in the field of the Psychology of Creativity, or degrees that offer programs designed to enhance creativity in a number of jobs and professions, contact psychology schools offering degrees or coursework in the psychology of creativity. They would say that Rowling simply built on a long tradition of fantasy literature, established by authors like J.R.R. Process. Creativity and Intelligence 4. The psychology of creativity.

As an Amazon Associate, and an affiliate representing some other companies such as Sounds True, as well as a few coaches and psychologists, I provide links to programs that may be helpful to creative people. Divergent thinking has since become a characteristic identifier for creative thinking. Creative solutions to problems result from a rational process, relying on cognitive processes and domain expertise. Sternberg calls his theory “investment theory,” and creative psychology experts place this theory in a category called “economic theories of creativity.”. Paulus, P. B., & Nijstad, B. Creativity persuades or initiates change, so those highly creative individuals with innovative ideas and products must have the ability to convince others in a field of expertise of the output’s true novelty. And then the creative individual moves on to the next unorthodox and novel idea. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. In other words, fields such as fiction writing will consider the contributions of J.K. Rowling much differently than the work of a creative writer who has published a few traditional short stories in obscure literary magazines. Intelligence is a complex characteristic of cognition.

The model states that an individual must have knowledge, technical skills, and special talents in the domain or discipline in which the person works. The capacity to generate or form unique work, concepts, methods, or ideas. New York: Oxford University Press.

But in addition to this originality, “the idea has to work, or be adaptive or be functional in some way; it has to meet some criteria of usefulness.”. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. Product. Psychology Definition of CREATIVITY: noun.

The books sold to another equally enthusiastic 3 million readers in other markets within the same time frame. However, in a speech to the American Psychological Association in 1950, psychologist J.P. Guilford proclaimed that creativity had been overlooked as a research topic, and challenged researchers to study it empirically – to come up with a plausible way of describing how creativity actually occurs.

Or a PhD student studying cognitive or social psychology (see Cognitive Psychology or Social Psychology) and specializing in creativity might use this famous author and her famous character, Harry Potter, to develop his or her own theory on creativity.

The books launched J.K. Rowling, once on welfare, into becoming the first billion-dollar author in history. For example, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, PhD, of Claremont Graduate University, is the architect of a systems theory that emphasizes big-C creativity, and how it takes place interrelationally among three components: Csikszentmihalyi summarizes his concept of creativity as any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain or that transforms an existing domain into a new one. Even when an unorthodox or novel idea receives a great amount of resistance from the field, the creative individual pursues and persists, eventually persuading others of its merit, and sells the idea high. Creativity involves the confrontation of anxiety, and of that which underlies the anxiety, i.e., discovering the meaning of one’s anxiety.” Diamond adds that anxiety can be a signal that unacceptable (daimonic) impulses conflicting with consciousness are “threatening to break through their repression. Creativity in science: Chance, logic, genius, and zeitgeist.
More of an emphasis on the cognitive “process” is found in the category of “stage and componential process theories,” theories that attempt to explain creativity in terms of the stages or levels of thinking that an individual goes through in order to create.

Thanks for reading articles - and for following these links. Albert, R. S. Creativity Creativity is a very important concept. Types of creativity 3. But simply having domain-specific skills doesn’t lead to creativity. Simonton defines big-C creativity as a person solving a problem or creating an object that significantly impacts how others think - and live their lives. Place is also referred to as “press” for pressure, or high-demand environments vs. low-demand environments. This helps support my efforts in creating the free content you read here and on my other sites, plus helps pay for costs such as website hosting. Potential. The second separates creativity from the ideas of a psychotic; such […] INDEX 1. It’s the ability to ask simple questions to develop unique and novel ideas. Creative ideas and behavior are influenced by market forces, and cost-benefit analyses. Many theories have been developed to explain what intelligence is and how it works. The plethora of creativity theories developed over the past thirty years necessitated that scientists group the current theories into 10 categories. Sternberg maintains that although the psychological processes are similar, those working in a particular field will view these contributions quite differently. Most theories today regard personality traits as only one aspect or influence of creative behavior. He also does not focus on how specific cognitive processes, such as motivation, contribute to creativity. Scientists rate the ingenuity and novelty of a product against more traditional, conventional, and less creative outputs. Creativity and Psychology A general introduction by Yahya Fehdi 2. This category of creativity attempts to measure both little-c and big-C creativity, and becomes especially useful for educators or business trainers when instructed to nurture and develop creative thinking skills.

They claim that these books brought excitement back to an activity quickly becoming eclipsed by digital forms of entertainment. Characteristics of creative persons 8.

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